Article: Our Saint Christopher Design

Our Saint Christopher Design
The Background
Throughout the world, Saint Christopher is known as the patron saint of travellers and since the middle ages, symbols of Saint Christopher have been worn as talismans to protect travellers on their journeys.
Our Saint Christopher design takes inspiration from the famous story of Saint Christopher carrying the child Jesus across a dangerous river.
The Design
My view was that Saint Christopher wasn't likely to be an old man when the story took place so the design should reflect a younger character. The design started out with a 3D scan of actor George Craker, who modelled a variety of poses in our 3D scanning rig. Consisting of 96 cameras, the rig captures data from all angles and once processed produces a digital model I can work on.

Once the scan was processed I had the base model to begin working with. The digital sculpt went through many drafts. I addied a staff - which would have been used to cross the river, a. robe, longer hair and a beard. Finally the child was added to his shoulder and the pose finnessed.
We tried a few variations on the pose then found the right angle to display on the finished piece. The background was sculpted based on clouds, water and the additions of halos. Then the Saint Christopher sculpt was modified to become a bass-relief to so the detail wouldn't be lost on the finished jewellery.
I'm rather pleased with the finished artwork and it's proving to be one of our best selling designs.